Niseko Hirafu Resort Hotel QFox GMG
- Building & Hotel
- Niseko Hirafu
9-27 Midorimachi, Furano, Hokkaido 076-0021
A great investment opportunity presents itself with this apartment building that features 8 apartments and 2 office spaces. The apartments are fully tenanted and are returning an attractive yield. Part of the property is a bare block of land that could be utilised for future development. Located in Furano town the building has nice views of the mountains of Furano Ski Area, which is approximately 3.7km away.
The apartment types are as follows:
4 x dining/kitchen with 3 tatami rooms
1 x dining/kitchen with 1 tatami room
1 x dining/kitchen studio room
1 x dining/kitchen with 2 rooms
1 x living/dining/kitchen with 4 rooms
Call us today for more information.
Tel: 81 (0) 136-21-6960
Email: [email protected]